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The Private Devotions of Christ

The secret of Lord’s power lay in His communion with His Father all the time. If ever there was one who did not need prayer, definitely it was Jesus. He was the true Son of God who was the perfect man without sin.

1. Morning Devotions (Mark. 1: 35)

Before He faced the world and commenced His duties each day, He rose up very early, departed into a solitary place and prayed. We should follow His example in our lives. Before morning, we should get up and pray for

1. The day’s activities, trials and programs

2. For the people we meet

3. For our emotions and thoughts likely to be faced through the day

4. For our work

5. For our self discipline in thinking, reading, eating, watching TV etc.

We have to consecrate ourselves entirely each day at the altar every morning before daybreak.

2. Evening Devotions (Luke. 6: 46)

Each day Jesus ministered to scores of people. Many miracles, healings and wonderful things happened each day. Jesus did not retire casually. He was eager to communicate with His Father alone at night. Similarly, we also have to commit our past day’s achievements and works to Lord in the evening.

3. Solitary Communion (Luke: 5: 16)

When people were impressed with His miracles and healings they wanted to make Him king. His fame grew. At such times He felt the pressing need to communicate with Father. People came near to listen to word of God. He himself explained many times that He only declared to them what He heard from Father. So it appears that He had to withdraw at times to listen to His Father. He never had any desire for popularity but was willing only to do the will of His Father. If Jesus had this attitude in His life how much more we need the same attitude! We never should desire for popularity, acceptance or applause of people. We have to receive from God what we intend to minister to others.

4. All Night Prayer (Luke. 6: 12)

Jesus had to make the most important decision. He had to choose twelve disciples who are to continue His mission after Him. He had to be totally guided before taking the decision. So He spent all night in prayer to God. In the morning He was guided accordingly. Are we in the habit of seeking His face before taking the important decisions of our lives?

6. Prayer of Fellowship with His disciples (Luke. (9: 28)

It was a new experience for the disciples to pray to God on a personal level. In Old Testament times people even Godly men prayed to God addressing Him as God of our fathers, Almighty God, God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, or Lord of Hosts etc. Even now many religions address Him as Mighty God, Mighty Power in universe etc. But when Jesus taught His disciples to pray He taught them to pray to God addressing Him as our Father in Heaven implying that we are precious children of God. When we consider Him as our father we have the privilege to approach Him with confidence as of a child going to his father ( viz. With acceptance, freedom, confidence of our position as heir to all He has). This relationship to our God as Father and children, we can visualise only in Christianity. I recommend my readers to read a beautiful book written by a Pakistani Muslim lady of royal family titled “I dared to Call Him Father”.

6. In the Garden of Gathesemene (Luke. 22: 41)

Here Jesus offered prayer in a broken condition both physically and spiritually. This is the place where Jesus emptied Himself totally. He was in agony and no one ever has gone through such agony. Drops of sweat fell down like drops of blood. As a young man in the prime of His youth He might have had his own dreams, plans and ambitions. He emptied Himself of everything to fulfil the mission entrusted by His father. He committed Himself totally to the will of His Father. Jesus prayer in Gathesemene encourages us to become prayer warriors totally involved and committed to the cause and will of our Heavenly Father.

7. Great Intercessory Prayer (John 17)

The most wonderful prayer of all ages is seen in John. 17. No human being ever lived on earth can understand the depth of that prayer. He had fulfilled his mission on earth and is ready to accomplish the final death of crucifixion. He talked to His disciples about many things and strengthened them. Now He committed each and every one of them to His Father. He also committed everyone who is to believe in Him after His death and resurrection, ie even you and me are included in this prayer. He requested for divine protection of all those who believed in Him and are to believe in the coming ages. He gave the

1. definition of Eternal life in Jn. 17.( Verses 2 – 4).

2. prayer for restoration of His former Glory (verses 5 to 8)

3. special prayer for the church (verses 9 to 10)

4. prayer for keeping the saints (verses 11 to 14)

5. prayer that the church may be kept pure (verses 16 to 20)

6. prayer for the unity of the church (verses 21 to 23)

7. prayer for the exaltation of the church (verses 24 to 27)

I am not going to explain each of the above seven prayers in detail now. We will keep it for another time.

Now my dear friends do you know the importance of prayer in our lives. If it was necessary for Jesus, how much more to us!!! God bless you.

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