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4 Gardens Mentioned in the Bible

This time I am going to give a short description about four gardens mentioned in Bible. As we all agree a garden is always a symbol of a place of beauty and refreshment to everyone.

1. Lucifers’s Garden (Ezekiel. 28: 11 – 17) (Satan stripped of his privileges and cast out of heaven)

Lucifer was one of the most beautiful creations of God. He was created even before man was created. He was the most beautiful and important Cherub as we see from the above passage. He was wonderfully decorated with all imaginable precious stones and was gloriously seated as the first and foremost Cherub. He was in garden of Eden. (Ezekiel. 28: 13) He was perfect in beauty and wisdom . It appears that he was the leader of the angelic choir, singing praises to God. God Himself certifies that he was innocent from the day he was created till he became proud . Isaiah 14. 12-14 also describes about his sin. He became very proud of his beauty and wisdom and he planned within himself to overthrow his creator the Living God. His heart was lifted up with pride and because of that he was cast down from his glorious position and privilege. Because of his sin, the existing earth and all creation was made waste and void. All living things were destroyed. Thus Lucifer’s garden was completely destroyed. What we read in Genesis chapter 1 is about the restoration of earth from its void state. God rearranged everything , created everything afresh, created man and told them to REplenish the earth (in other words to REfill it).

2. Garden of Eden (Genesis 1 – 3) (Satan became God of this world)

God created man and wanted to establish friendship and fellowship with him. God made the garden of Eden and planted all kinds of trees bearing beautiful fruits. God gave Adam and Eve the possession of Eden and wanted them to keep it and work in it, in other words to maintain it in its beautiful state. Man ruled over earth and all living things and was in a perfect state of bliss. Satan was jealous of man and he cunningly robbed everything from him. We know how he beguiled Eve and made both of them disobey Lord’s commandment. Adam committed high treason and sold out to the devil all his blessings and privileges. Thus Satan became God of this world. Man lost his robe of glory and the whole world became corrupt. We read in Word of God that both Adam and Eve were expelled from Garden of Eden. Also God robed them with the skin of an animal (presumably lamb - Revelation. 13: 8)

In other words a lamb was slain for them proving that the shed blood is for atonement. It is the ground on which sin is forgiven by God. (Hebrews.9: 22)

To the heartbroken couple God gave the wonderful promise that the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent. This is the first promise in Bible relating to Messaiah.

3. Garden of Gathesemene (John. 18:1,Luke.22:39-46) (Satan confronts Jesus

and tries to thwart God’s redemptive plan )

Here Lord Jesus was utterly broken. He emptied Himself totally. Satan wanted to spoil the plan of God ie. the redemption of man. Satan tried to break Himand confuse Him. Jesus prayed in agony for the removal of the cup of suffering for the whole mankind. His sweat fell down like great drops of blood. Jesus cried “with strong crying and tears”.(Hebrews. 2:7) Satan wanted to prevent Him from going to cross. However He submitted completely to Father’s will and triumphed over the subtle targets of devil. Lord Jesus triumphed in Garden of Gathesemene and committed Himself to the Father’s will.

4. Garden of Resurrection. (John. 19. 41) (Final victory over Satan)

Jesus died on the cross. Till Jesus’s death on the cross the death was a bitter sting and constant fear to everyone. Devil had the power over death. (Hebrews. 2:14) Everyone who died was in the custody of devil. He even had Jesus in his prison for three days. I think devil and his gang had a great celebration in hell! But praise to the Lord on the third day Jesus broke the bondages of death and powers of darkness and resurrected with an immortal body and took the saints who were captive by devil to heaven. (John. 20. 17, Ephesians. 4:8-10) He overcame the powers of Satan, spoiled principalities and powers and came out victorious!! Satan even persuaded Jews to watch hHis tomb so that Jesus will not come out!! So any person who is IN CHRIST now has nothing to fear about death. He has eternal life. Death is only a promotion from this vile world, a door to enter his own home in Heaven to be with the Lord always.

So we see my dear friends, how these four gardens are associated with devil. Now we have the confidence, courage and conviction to enter the Holiest by Jesus’s blood shed for us. This reality of eternal life is the fundamental speciality which makes Christianity distinct from all the religions of the world. God bless you!

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